## page was renamed from SgxProposal Proposed future SGX offerings: * vitelity.sgx.soprani.ca -- takes Vitelity XMPP credentials, running today * catapult.sgx.soprani.ca -- takes Bandwidth AP ("catapult") credentials, running today ** sgx.jmp.chat -- proxy in front of catapult sgx that changes signup to a phone number search and registers using the Bandwidth AP credentials for JMP.chat, no work started * sip.sgx.soprani.ca -- takes SIP credentials, no work started ** inum.jmp.chat (or inum.cheogram.com ?) -- proxy in front of sip sgx that changes signup to assign a random iNum from a pool and registers using a configured SIP server, no work started ** sgx.jmp.eu -- proxy in front of sip sgx that changes signup to a phone number search and registers using a configured SIP server, no work started