#format wiki On a Quectel modem, a patch might be needed to reliably send AT commands to the modem. This patch comes from the fork lpac-quectel in the file drivers/at.c We'll also reduce the size of transmissions to the modem to help the modem keep up. Make the following changes before running `make`. 1. Merge the changes in [[https://github.com/estkme-group/lpac/compare/main...pipe:lpac-quectel:main|lpac-quectel's at.c]] into the upstream lpac's at.c. [TODO: provide a patch file or get it pushed upstream] 1. Edit the file euicc/euicc.c to decrease the size of `e10b_mss` {{{#!c ctx->es10x_mss = 60; }}} Hopefully, in the future these steps will not be necessary.