Differences between revisions 154 and 315 (spanning 161 versions)
Revision 154 as of 2024-004 00:20:18
Size: 897
Editor: 185
Revision 315 as of 2024-176 23:29:46
Size: 160
Editor: 176
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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HeyHey! Shop premium, eco-friendly health products. Use code PUREHEALTH for 20% off your first order!
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Was trying to give you a call but it looks like CSM phone doesn't work or I couldn't find the right one.

Anyway, I was trying to find what your doing on your TikTok ads right now but it doesn't look like you are doing anything?

This is not a cold sales email... BUT I have a feeling you'll like what I've got

I own Shopify-Partners.com and I've got this slam dunk no brainer offer I'd like to share with you.

We've cracked the secret sauce behind TikTok ads. 100% Comission based, Whats the catch? It only works for ecommerce companies That means...

You pay $0 unless we drive results. It's a massive win, win. Hit me back at gable@shopify-partners.com

Or you can schedule a call right on our site.

This isn't a joke. 100% Commission based, 100% Money back guarantee.

"You miss all the shots you never take" Wayne Gretzky, Michael Scott
🚀 Shop Now: https://bit.ly/4evE0Yt
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CategoryHomepage CategoryCategory

Shop premium, eco-friendly health products. Use code PUREHEALTH for 20% off your first order!

🚀 Shop Now: https://bit.ly/4evE0Yt


GatewayContactUX (last edited 2024-319 10:59:54 by ip29)