Differences between revisions 19 and 83 (spanning 64 versions)
Revision 19 as of 2022-342 08:57:53
Size: 545
Editor: 50
Revision 83 as of 2023-258 15:50:24
Size: 301
Editor: 139
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Hello my name is Bernardo Palos and I'm Looking for online work..
I'm into writing ebooks and blog posts so If I can help your website or if you can hire me for your online business please let know by replying back to my email address.
I'm a highly skilled copywriter and would like to offer you my services.
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Also I am really into computer programming and I am going to school for it right now but if I can get an apprenticeship in the feild that would be amazing.
here is my indeed profile.. https://my.indeed.com/p/bernardol-quj7bek
We may be a good fit if you're able to look at my website when you have a moment.
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Bernardo Palos


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I'm a highly skilled copywriter and would like to offer you my services.

We may be a good fit if you're able to look at my website when you have a moment.



Opt out of future messages by replying to the message and saying opt out. soprani.ca

GatewayContactUX (last edited 2024-324 15:10:43 by ip119)