Differences between revisions 4 and 325 (spanning 321 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2022-109 22:49:03
Size: 1102
Editor: 23
Revision 325 as of 2024-182 01:57:02
Size: 219
Editor: 188
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Hi, Transform your career with expert-led courses and certifications from GoJC Training. Learn at your own pace and gain the skills you need to succeed.
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We'd like to introduce to you our explainer video service, which we feel can benefit your site wiki.soprani.ca.

Check out some of our existing videos here:

All of our videos are in a similar animated format as the above examples, and we have voice over artists with US/UK/Australian/Canadian accents.
We can also produce voice overs in languages other than English.

They can show a solution to a problem or simply promote one of your products or services. They are concise, can be uploaded to video sites such as YouTube, and can be embedded into your website or featured on landing pages.

Our prices are as follows depending on video length:
Up to 1 minute = $259
1-2 minutes = $379
2-3 minutes = $489

*All prices above are in USD and include an engaging, captivating video with full script and voice-over.

If this is something you would like to discuss further, don't hesitate to reply.

Kind Regards,
CLICK HERE [ https://rebrand.ly/iizair2 ]
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Transform your career with expert-led courses and certifications from GoJC Training. Learn at your own pace and gain the skills you need to succeed.

CLICK HERE [ https://rebrand.ly/iizair2 ]


GatewayContactUX (last edited 2024-361 15:58:51 by ip83)