Differences between revisions 17 and 25 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 17 as of 2022-279 00:00:16
Size: 1458
Editor: root
Revision 25 as of 2023-033 04:05:53
Size: 1654
Editor: Mosaic-BAR16-DHCP
Comment: Added Yahoo!
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 17: Line 17:
|= Chase | 24273 | |= Chase | 24273, 242733 |
Line 25: Line 25:
|= FreeTaxUSA | +18776941040, 74046 |
|= Google | 22000 |
Line 29: Line 31:
|= Microsoft | 87892 |
Line 32: Line 35:
|= Saskpower | 306772 |
Line 36: Line 40:
|= Taco Bell | 77029 |
Line 45: Line 50:
|= Venmo | 86753 |
Line 48: Line 54:
|= Yahoo! | +18773513225, 47458 |

This list was created as a way to "verify" where certain shortcodes are supposedly coming from when you receive them. Some codes are shared by more than one service, which could then be identified in this list, and some are "owned" by the sender and thus should not be coming from anyone else.

When contributing to this document, please try and keep it in alphabetical order.

Affinity CU 28849
American Express
ATB Financial
Bank of America
Bank of Montreal
Bank of NS (Scotiabank)
California Covid-19 Vaccine portal 23393
Canadian Western Bank
Capital One 80101
Chase 24273, 242733
CIBC 242227
CRA 747474
CVS Pharmacy 287898
ebay 776836
FreeTaxUSA +18776941040, 74046
Google 22000
Lowes 59629
Microsoft 87892
PC Financial
Quest Labs 78378
Royal Bank
Saskpower 306772
Simplii Financial 746756
Skip The Dishes 56765
Southern California Edison 28954
T-Mobile 2296, 2297
Taco Bell 77029
Telegram +18338061038
TD Bank 83687
UPS 69877
US Bank Fraud Alert 33748
USA Social Security 79913
USPS 28777
Venmo 86753
Walmart MC 95678
Wells Fargo
Wise(TransferWise) +18449615133
Yahoo! +18773513225, 47458
Zocdoc 22395

List_of_Known_SMS_Short-codes (last edited 2024-316 20:25:48 by pool-100-1-9-113)